Sunday, October 26, 2008

Roots and Wings

Our lovely baby boy turned 8 months old today. Alisha and I cannot believe how quickly the time has flown. It is amazing to me the exponential growth Jackson has experienced from 0-8 months. Just yesterday Jackson began to make his first crawl forward. I cannot believe that my little boy who has been solely reliant on Alisha and me for all forms of transportation is now to the point of moving around on his own. Sometimes I wish that we could just live in this time for the rest of our lives. But the words of my mother speak to me telling me that it would be selfish to wish he stayed in this baby state for the rest of his life. "A parent has to give their child two things," she has always said, "roots and wings." Hopefully, with the Lord's help, Alisha and I can give Jackson roots that reach far and deep, even in these early times, so that when these small crawls transform in long flights, both he and we will be prepared.


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