Tuesday, October 28, 2008

7 Random Facts

Beth tagged me...so here are 7 random facts in the life of me!

1. I love coffee shops and book stores. I used to work at a coffee shop when I was in college, and I loved it. One of my favorites is Rembrants downtown. But, I don't like regular coffee. I like the fancy drinks....lattes and mochas. I would rather go on a date for coffee and dessert than go out to eat dinner.

2. I do not watch much television, and the movie selection that I have seen is quite limited. The only show I faithfully watch is The Office on Thursdays. We only have basic cable, and I am not sure we will extend our cable package again. We don't miss it at all.

3. I am stubborn enough, that I actually consider it perseverance. If I think I can't accomplish something or if someone else thinks I can't do something, it just makes me try even harder. Because of this, I taught inner city school for 3 years, got my masters degree, and have so far nursed Jackson for 8 months (they are all equally difficult tasks).

4. I love when my house is clean and organized. I thought this task would be easier when I wasn't working full time. Ha! When everything is clean, I want to leave and go somewhere so nothing gets messed up.

5. Blake and I met each other when we were 13, in middle school. He was very outgoing and I was extremely shy. We started dating seriously when we were 20. In our premarital counseling, we scored polar opposite scores on the personality profile. Opposites do attract.

6. I enjoy Christmas Eve more than Christmas Day. I always get up early and go to the mall, even if I have all of my gifts purchased. I usually wait and wrap presents on the 24th. We go to a Candle Light Christmas Eve service at my parents' church. My parents host a party afterwards. Then we go to Blake's parents and open up one Christmas gift, pajamas. Blake's dad reads the Christmas story, and we pray. I can't wait to introduce all of the traditions to my son.

7. I love my baby boy, and I am thankful that God picked me to be his mommy. He has changed my life, and I never knew I could love someone who is so little, so much.

I tag Christy, Amy, and Blake!


Claire said...

I love your Christmas traditions. I may have to steal the pajama one. I still remember Brad telling us the story of the Christmas Eve you and Blake were tyring to get home from your honeymoon. The Freemans are AWESOME!

LTF said...

Yes, I agree...the Freemans are awesome! haha