Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sunday Snapshots

Jackson completed his very first VBS at The Ministry Center this week!  He had so much fun!!  Kevin and Jennifer (our children's pastors) did such a great job!  Everything was super organized, the kids had a blast, and most importantly learned about Jesus!  Jackson has told us several times that "All things are possible with God."  I know I can use that daily reminder, coupled with child like faith!  Jackson was in the Preschool Treehouse with Mrs. Beth and his friends.  Our VBS was Wednesday-Sunday, which I thought was such a great idea.  Lots of families attended our church on Sunday for the last lesson.  We had a dinner afterwards.  I just love my church family!

Afterwards, we did a little yard work, rode bikes, and cleaned some things out of our garage.  Doesn't that sound exciting? :)

1 comment:

V-n-J said...

VBS was so fun! I love listening to Ria and Javan sing along with their CD. What a great week for our kids!