Saturday, May 22, 2010

Happy 30th Me!

Monday was my 30th birthday. I remember when I was a little girl I thought that sounded so old...and I wondered what 30 year olds did for fun. I remember thinking that I thought getting older would be so boring. But, as I find myself here...I am a happy, blessed woman of God, and far from bored! Thanks to all of my great friends and sweet family for all of the birthday wishes. It was truly a special day.
The day started off with me going to work, and watching Jackson sing "The Wheels on the Bus" at the Pre-K promotion. He was beyond thrilled to be performing...can you tell??
Blake arranged a small, little party at P.F. Changs for the evening. Great food, sweet family, good friends, cake, and some presents (including Starbucks gift cards)! What more could a girl ask for?
Robin, I never realized how much taller I am than you until the picture below. I think I even had on flip flops.

1 comment:

On the Ride of Our Lives said...

Happy Happy 30th!!!! We are thirty, flirty, and thriving to quote 13 going on 30 (the movie). I thought I was so much older than you, but now we're closer. :-)
I love being in my thirties. I feel like a woman more than ever. I feel myself calming down and seeing things more for what they are. I can't wait to see how much I've grown when I turn 40,50, 60. And congratulations on your little GIRL!!!! I think that is going to be perfect!! Jackson is going to be a great big protective brother. You just wait. He is going to melt your heart when you see the power of his love for his sister.