Friday, January 8, 2010

New Years...Self Improvements?

I am not really a person that makes New Years' Resolutions,they overwhelm me, but I do love the start of a brand new year. I get excited thinking about what God is going to do with our family in the upcoming year, and am so grateful when I reflect and think about all He has done for us in the previous years.

There are a few thing that I want to improve on in my own life, and really all of them are a constant work in progress. I want to know God more. I want to spend more time praising Him, reading His word, and trusting Him. I want to spend more time teaching Jackson about Him, and pray with more with my husband. I am trying to memorize more scripture.

I want to take better care of myself. Not so much to lose weight (that would be a nice benefit), but to just be healthier. I want to make healthier decisions in our diet, get to the gym more, and exercise. I want to stop thinking of my health in terms of the perfect jean size, or the number on the scale, and just take care of this almost 30 year old body.

I am STILL trying to get our house organized. It is a work in progress. We donated 8 garbage bags of clothes, household items, etc. last week, and threw lots of things away. The last one is kind of silly, but I really want to keep my car clean. It has literally been a struggle since I turned 16...I couldn't keep the Beretta, Escape, or Pontiac clean. Now the Pilot has stale Cheerios, sippy cups, and mismatched socks in the back seat, and I really want to try to keep it clean. So, Blake that one is for you, too!

I have have also rediscovered, after a 2 year hiatus, my LOVE for reading! I am already on my second book of the year. Woo Hoo!!

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