Monday, September 15, 2008

My Sweet Little Piranha

Webster defines pi·ra·nha as "a small South American fish that has very sharp teeth that may attack and inflict dangerous wounds upon humans." With that being stated, my sweet 6 month old baby just had his fifth tooth make a grand appearance this morning, sometime between midnight and 4 a.m. As many teeth arrive in pairs, number 6 is on its way. The first two teeth that Jackson cut did not give him any problems at all. But, the front teeth, and the set of bottom teeth that most recently came in, have really made it difficult for him to sleep, and he also had a bit of a runny nose. Poor baby. He bit my finger at work this morning (I was checking for more teeth), and it really hurt. Those teeth are REALLY sharp. I must admit, I am getting a little apprehensive at the beginning of each feeding.....I really hope that my little piranha does not inflict any dangerous wounds upon me.....


1 comment:

The Sandefurs said...

Brace yourself, my friend, for the first boobie bite! Yikes!