Friday, March 11, 2011

67-71: Our Computer Crashed

We primarily use Blake's work lap top and Ipad for internet access, and Blake's lap top that is provided by the County crashed Monday. It is really hard to blog on the Ipad, so until we get a new lap top, my blog entries may be less frequent. Hopefully, it will be fixed pretty soon. We really had a pretty simple and relaxing week. It was yucky and rainy part of the week. We hung out at home, had a play date, I organized our bedroom closet, sold books at McKays, and donated a bunch of items to charity. I went running on Tuesday. I won five free hair bows in a Facebook contest. I think Jackson has given up napping, but Claire is sleeping all night. She also is rolling over from her tummy to her back (3-6-11). I am thinking of buying myself a new Easter dress...I have worn the same one for a couple of years in a row. Maybe our computer will be fixed soon!
Pray for Japan. The devastation they are experiencing is heartbreaking.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

She is getting so big. What cute babies. I miss them!