Sunday, January 11, 2009

10 Months Old

The day after Christmas, Jackson turned 10 months old. He is turning into my little boy! He is crawling all over the place, and is pulling up on everything that stands still. He is saying dada, mama, nana (interchangable for Nana, Nandee, and banana), no no, and dog. His personality has really started to develop this month. He has started fake coughing, laughing, and crying. My favorite is his fake laugh. Blake and I will start laughing about something, and he starts cracking up, too. He also loves to play peek a boo, and for us to chase him around the house. He is now wearing 9-12 month clothes. I believe he weighs around 19 pounds, and is probably about 30 inches long. He still isn't a great napper, and we are still having some sleep issues at night that we are working through. Sigh. I can not believe that we will be celebrating his first birthday next month. I feel as if he just got here, but certainly don't remember what life was like without him!

1 comment:

theotherridges said...

He is so cute. The fake coughing was one of my favorite baby things. Vivi never did the fake laughing that I can remember. What a smart baby to know he doesn't want to be left out of the joke!