Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Kindergarten Experience, Week 4

This week was probably the most fun we have had in Kindergarten.  We learned about Dinosaurs, and we had so much fun!!  Pinterest is so helpful in planning these activities...and I even remembered a few things to do from my lessons at UTC (thank you, Professor Roy).

Reading:  Sight Words, Recipe for Reading (Letter D), lots of reading about dinosaurs and maps, and reading Level A books

Writing:  Handwriting without Tears, Morning Messages, Daily Journal Writing, Dinosaur Nonfiction Writing, Writing first and last name correctly, writing address correctly

Math:  Singapore Math Lessons thru 2.10, number of the day, daily calendar routines

Science:  Fossil Dig Simulation, Dinosaur Study, Volcano Experiment (discussed chemical changes)

Social Studies:  Map Study (Completed Map Project)

Bible:  Grapevine Studies- We are now talking about Noah.

Memory Verse:  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Field Trips:  Library, Back to School Play Date

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