Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Eve Night

I love, love, love Christmas Eve. It is a time that I use to reflect, and think about God's faithfulness. Each year, I am reminded of how faithful God is, and I think more and more about what He thinks about me and my family, and what He wants us to do for Him in the coming year. I am so thankful that God sent His only Son, to be born in a manger, only later to die for me. Amazing love. I want nothing more than for my son, Jackson, to receive this gift, my Savior, as his own. I do believe that seeds are being planted, even as young as he is. With that being said, we attended the Christmas Eve Candlelight and Communion Service at my parents' church, and went back to their house to spend some time together. We then went to Blake's parents' house and opened pajamas, and Donnie read the Christmas story.

1 comment:

V-n-J said...

that last pic - the family one - is way too cute! Jackson has so much personality!