Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday Snapshots

Last Sunday, Blake took Jackson on his first father/son fishing trip to Tellico.  Jackson was soooo excited about this trip and looked forward to it all week.  They woke up at 4:30 on Sunday morning to set out on their adventure.  Jackson caught 2 fish!  Tellico is a very special place to Blake.  He has many wonderful childhood memories of summers spent there...and it is also where he asked me to be his wife!  I know it must have been awesome to take our son back to that place! 

Meanwhile.....I asked Claire what she wanted to do for Girlie time....She said, "Um...go to Target and then get a mocha."  So, that is just what we did!!  

Every day, I am thankful for these two blessings.  Every day, I am thankful for the absolute and total joy they bring into my (and Blake's)  life.  Every day, I am reminded of how they really belong to Him and I am here to shepherd their hearts.  And every single day, I know His grace is enough.  More than enough. 

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