Sunday, July 28, 2013

Week 29 of 2013: And Summer Bucket List #11

Many of Jackson's kindergarten supplies and books arrived this week!  Blake and I have decided to teach Jackson at home this upcoming school year.  I will probably be writing a blog post about each week of school to hold myself accountable, and to make myself take pictures of this time we are going to share!

Both of our kids have had a little bit of a hard time adjusting to our new house.  Nothing terrible, but a bit cranky and just extra needy.  Blake and I have been trying to keep things pretty structured at home and it does seem to be helping.  We also decided they both needed some one on one time.  So, last Sunday I took Claire for breakfast, and Blake and Jack hit up the Waffle House.  Jackson wants to be with Blake 24/7 these days.

 In other news, Claire can now pedal her tricycle all by herself!
Another summer bucket list item (number 11) to be checked off!!  The Passage at the Aquarium is actually closed, but Jack and Claire (and their buddy Ben) had just as much fun playing in all the water at the Aquarium...until it started raining!

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