There was a tease of fall in the air for a bit this morning.
Lots of fun at the park this morning with some friends.
More fun outside tonight with our sweet neighbors.
I have been reading Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson, as recommended by my sweet friend, Jenna. I am about halfway through the book, and have loved, loved every chapter. She talks so much about the influence of a mother in a home. Often the mother's attitude can control the atmosphere of the home...I have had that on my heart, and have thought about it often the past couple of weeks. I really do want to embrace my role as a wife and mother, and give it all I have for the glory of Him. I love when God reaffirms what has been in your heart in different ways...
This morning I was reading my devotion, and was reading about the disciples and different things Jesus asked them to do. Some of the requests made sense to the disciples, others did not. The disciples grumbled about some things they were asked to do, others they did willingly. Some things He asked them to do....the disciples did not understand the relevance of significance of them at all. They did not know if what He asked them to do even really mattered.
I love what Beth Moore said when she was talking about the disciples and paralleling it to our lives.
"We have no idea as to the significance of the work God called us to do."
"Christ's ultimate goal in any work He assigns to us is to reveal Himself, either through us or to us."
"The tasks God gives you are never trivial."
(page 361, Jesus: 90 Days with the One and Only)
I, too, recommend reading Sally Clarkson! I met her last year at my blog conference and she has the sweetest spirit about her! Her keynote speeches, were just what this mommy needed to hear! She has several other books I would recommend. (I have them if you want to borrow some more) I also read Sally's blog.
I read MoM this summer as part of a 12 week online Bible study. I LOVED it. She's real but her words ring true! I love you and know Jack and Claire are blessed to have you as their wonderful, devoted, Christ-like mother. =)
That laundry picture looks familiar! :) Love what you shared from your devotion. Sometimes it does seem what I'm doing while staying home and babysitting kids is so un-important. Jaime bought me a book that I'm still reading called "Real Moms, Real Jesus". It is so good. I'll have to let you borrow it when I'm finished.
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