Wednesday, March 31, 2010
A Few Funnies
Jackson: Hey, mommy. I found Nemo.
Me: That's great, buddy. Where is he?
Jackson: In the TV.
J: Hey, mom, I hurt my finger.
Me: I am sorry. Do you need a kiss?
J: Nope, you pro'ly (probably) need to pray for it.
Me: Hey Jackson, are you ready to go to church?
J: And go see Mrs. Betty?
Me: Yes, what are you going to do in Mrs. Betty's class?
J: Drink juice and eat fingernails. (Bugles)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Made my Day!
- I was hired when I was 21, and began a full time teaching job shortly after my 22nd birthday. I just looked like a pushover. But, they learned quickly I am not.
- I started teaching in a brand new school with a brand new faculty.
- I started my school year with no materials. No math book. No reading book. All I had were desks and chairs.
- Oh, and my other 3rd grade cohort was a brand new teacher, too. Needless to say, we became best buds, fast.
- I had no idea what in the world I had gotten myself into.
- That classrooom of students had some behavior issues that I had no idea how to even begin to deal with.
Anyway, long story short, all of those things in the long run (after many tears, and not wanting to go to work for the first 180 days of my career), probably made me a better teacher. I also taught some really special kids, and I often wonder how they are doing (especially the kids I had the first year, bless their hearts!)
Sunday night, Blake had some paperwork laying on the table from work, and I, being the nosy person I am, started looking through it, and found a sibling's name of one of my favorite students I taught downtown. I mentioned to Blake that I taught such and such's sister, and talked about how my I loved this particular student.
Blake mentioned to the sibling that I asked about her sister, and today the former student (who is probably a sophomore in high school) wrote me a letter that simply made my day!
Here is the letter:
Hey Mrs. Ricks/Freeman!
I am sooo glad to hear from you again after all these years. I actually thought that you had forgot about me for a minute, but I guess not. When I heard you asked about me, I was very happy to know that you still remember me. I found out that you are still a teacher. Where do you teach now? And what grade do you teach? I miss you sooo much! You were my favorite teacher, not only because you made me laugh, but because you taught me alot even though I gave you some hard times during my third grade year, and I thank you for that.
P.S. Well, write back PLEASE to let me know how you are doing and what you think about the letter!
Student (I don't want to give away her identity!)
Some days when I taught, I remember thinking the ceiling tiles were the only things listening to me, and it is nice to know that maybe they were listening (and watching) more than I thought!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Happy Birthday, Ellis!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
2nd Prenatal Appointment
When I was pregnant with Jackson, I signed up on, to receive weekly emails about his development. I thought it was really neat, so I decided to do it again. Every Monday morning I get an email that tells about baby, and I love reading about what's happening. I have been reading them to Blake, and then when we pray together, and pray for baby, we pray for that particular developmental process that is happening within the week.
Our ultrasound is also on DVD, so I may try to figure out how to upload it later, but for right now, I am going to bed. The first trimester, plus eating a meal, and riding back over a mountain today, did not make for a fun evening!
Friday, March 19, 2010
A Little of This and That
I haven't been blogging, facebooking, or checking my email much lately, at all....I usually do those things while Jackson is sleeping, and my other growing baby is draining my energy, so I have been napping and sleeping in with Jackson. I also usually clean and do laundry during nap time, so as you can probably imagine, after 5 weeks of neglecting the cleaning, my house was looking pretty crazy last week, and the laundry had began to collect in a heap on the laundry room floor. My sweet mom came over and helped me clean, and took all of my laundry home with her and did it for me. Thank you, Mom!! Luckily, this week has been better, and I have felt okay, not great, but better.
Friday, March 12, 2010
A Big Announcement!
2-11-10: Positive Test #2
Jackson's Big Brother Shirt
We don't have a scanner, but I wanted to share our first sneak peek!