Weight: Around 13.5 pounds
Height: 26 inches
What is else is going on with Madeline Claire?
Eating: Nursing about 8-10 times per day. She drinks a bottle of breast milk every once in a while. Lately, if I leave her with a bottle, she will drink about an ounce, and refuses to drink any more of it.
Sleeping: She is sleeping much better. She goes to bed around 10:30, and usually sleeps until about 5:00. Sometimes she wants to nurse about 2:00. She wakes up for the day about 8:00. Sometimes she wakes up crying for her pacifier at night. She still takes a long morning nap about 10:00, and an afternoon nap around 2:00. She still cat naps alot in the evenings.
Temperament: Easy going and sweet. She only cries when she is hungry or overly tired. She is sometimes a "hip monkey." She loves to be held.
Other things: She is smiling, cooing, and laughing. She has grown out of most of her 0-3 month clothes, and is wearing mostly 3-6 month outfits. She wears a 1-2 in diapers. She loves a little panda bear I bought her to be on her face when she is sleepy. She is rolling from her tummy to her back and sits up with support really well. She also likes her Exersaucer a lot. Oh, and she STILL loves enormous bows in her hair! She is super fun.
She is such a pretty girl! Love that Claire Bear, and I hope you don't mind I call her that...
She is so stinkin cute!!!
She definitely rocks those enormous bows!!!! what a little cutie she is. Loving those sweet smiles.
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